Multifunctional Gymnasium
Comune di Pieve di Soligo
Pieve di Soligo
Marco Zanta
“The building is transformed into a screen more than 100 metres long and 14 metres high that is wedged into the ground and protects the gyms, communal facilities, locker rooms, bar and refreshment areas; a long polycarbonate facade where moving players stand out. A giant luminous lantern.”

Light is the leitmotif of architect Olivieri’s project.
Inside the Gymnasium, we were able to find the right light to create a comfortable environment that helps all those who frequent it. Light, in an environment such as a gymnasium, has an importance that could be underestimated; in fact, the task of lighting is not to tire the eyes; the right light must be warm and indirect and, above all, uniform.

A question of details
The structure echoes the shapes and dimensions of the paleo riverbed of the Soligo River, which flows a few metres away. It appears as a long, sinuous green figure, in continuity with the surrounding agricultural fields, but inside, the structure is very articulated and conceals sophisticated construction solutions that place it as a state-of-the-art building in its category.

The lighting design is intended to be both functional and pleasing to the eye of the user, thanks to a series of recessed profiles with a geometric composition of lines and dots.